Our Story

Welcome to my page!

I am passionate about Food being Medicine, and healthy ingredients being easy to use, and healing herbs being added into one’s life as much as possible.

I created my Golden Milk Chai for my best friend when she was sick and could not cook soothing Golden Milk over the stove.  She needed comfort and an easy way to get the anti-inflammatory benefits of Turmeric.  I also have a repeat customer that swears this helps her with her pain.

I created my Lavender Peace Tea because I adore Lavender, and my family and I needed help with our own stress.  I love the calming benefits of Lemon Balm also used in this tea, and the Sage and Peppermint are a perfect addition.

Bath salts – need no explanation – everyone could use a good bath, with soothing coconut oil and calming essential oils to unwind.  And, of course all of the best salts for a bath. 

Please stay tuned, and sign up on the main page, to find out when new products are launched and where to find us in the East Mountains and Albuquerque, NM. I’ll be working on more Chai drinks, something super yummy with cardamom, and spice mixes for easy home cooked meals. I’m so excited!

Thank you for taking the time to get to know my products, my company, and my passion.



Our teas are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, nor as a substitute for any treatment or surgery that may have been prescribed by your physician. You should consult your physician before treating yourself with teas, mixing them with any medications or taking them instead of prescribed medication.